Couples Therapy

You want to be understood but words fail you.

The conflicts you experience in your relationship with your partner are tiring.

When you feel disappointed and are in pain, you want your partner to reach out to you and provide comfort, empathize with you.

Instead, you find yourself having the same arguments all the time.

“How did we get here? Will this ever change?”

People get into a relationship for different reasons – safety, security, wanting a family, having shared goals, companionship.

A lot of these wishes and desires can be very conscious.

Yet, life has a way of introducing the unexpected.

“I did not sign up for this.”

What one feared most – feeling misunderstood, feeling unsupported, or even rejected with an affair can present itself as an insurmountable block to what one wanted.

The opposite of what you wished for is what you are facing.

You want to keep your wish for a better relationship alive but you’re starting to suspect that will never happen.

In couples’ therapy, we help you look at all this.

We give space to both of you, look at your history together, look at the conflicts, what you are keeping from each other and from yourselves.

In time, you feel braver and come out more not just to your partner but to yourself as well.

Romantic Love represents an ideal.

The idea of what a loving relationship is supposed to look like, is just that, an idea.

When that ideal becomes more and more out of reach you feel alone, unloved, unlovable and resentful at your partner for not making that happen for you.

“But I tried…why can’t they try harder?”

Negative emotions towards your partner is not a sign that your relationship is hopeless.

It means you are in touch with parts of you and of each other that are calling for your attention.

It is ok to be angry and irritated by your partner. And even to think that they will never truly understand you.

In couples’ therapy, we look together at the pain and help you face it

If we can help you be in the “muck” together, with compassion, something new can arise out of that, an intimacy, a place where you feel You Are a Couple.

Even if you are in pain and don’t agree with each other at times, a creative space where both of you feel freer to be and grow will open up and begin to nourish your partnership.

Survive the pain of your past and find new ways to be with each other.

Communicate even your most intimate thoughts with your partner.

The negative emotions you experience towards your partner don’t hold onto you for so long anymore…. with time they become less intense, less frequent.

With that comes an opening for you to allow the good parts of each other to be more present, more seen.

Call (443) 333-9647 to set up a free 20-minute phone consultation and get on the road to a better relationship.